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13420 NE 177th Place, Woodinville WA 98072
Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm • Sat 10am – 3pm

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Esperanza Carpet

Fabrica has a long standing tradition of offering the finest in the cut pile products due to the unique ability to finish a product in the shearing process.  We feel Esperanza sets a new standard of excellence for the cut pile texture category and will be a wonderful complement to many of our signature products in the Fabrica collection today.  Your Fabrica customers have been asking for a heavy texture with a beautiful finish for years.

Enter the Quantity in Sq. Ft that you need, then request a quote. We will email your custom quote within 1 business day.
SKU: 220ES Categories: ,

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Almendra, Amarillo, Arena, Azul, Balneario, Bisonte, Blanco, Bruma, Burdeos, Café, Canasta, Carb'on, Cer'amica, Cielo, Concha, Crema, De La Piel, De Plata, Desierto, Dorado, El Lago, El Mar', El Venado, Estatua, Florecer, Franela, Fumar, Glacier, Gris Oscuro, Hongo, Laguna, Lila, Madera, Mar Profundo, Morado, Neutro, Nuez, Oceano', Piedra, Pistachero, Prado, Rosa Pastel, Rubio, Salmon, Te' Verde, Topo, Verde Oliva, Violeta


Fiber Type